Official ticket trade information



Ticket trade will be available from 18:00 on 12 June (Wed) for those who have applied via e-plus, Lawson Ticket, Creativeman Member Advance and Official Advance.
Ticket trade is only available for the Tokyo venue. Osaka venue will be available at a later date.
For more information, please see the Chikepura (tixplus ticket)  website below.

For tickets purchased outside of e-plus, Lawson Ticket, Creativeman Member Advance and Official Advance, please check with the respective playguide site from which you purchased the tickets, including whether or not a resale is being carried out.

Please note that all sites other than Chikepura (tixplus ticket)  and the playguide sites on this official website are unofficial and no guarantees will be made.
Please note that there is a possibility of getting into trouble such as fraud including sales between individuals.